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Our Programs

Over time, we’ve designed and adapted programs to meet the high standards of today’s world of education. By providing a supportive environment, we make sure each child receives exactly what they need.

Early Preschool Programs


Infant, Waddler, Toddler Programs

8 weeks to 24 months

Our caregivers are committed to excellence in the quality of nurturing developmental milestones that come so quickly in those first months of life. The programs are structured by use of the infant/toddler Creative Curriculum and Baby Signs. In our infant classroom every interaction is an opportunity to learn and grow. Our Waddler students have mastered mobility and have begun to explore the world around them. The Toddler students are quickly learning so much about their world and growing their vocabulary.

Two's Programs


Younger 2's and Older 2's Program

2 year olds

Two year olds thrive on hands-on learning and desire to make big strides towards independence. Our program is structured by Creative Curriculum where children will experience  circle time segments and lessons based on various themes and literature. In preparation for preschool, we will begin progression towards potty training based on the child’s interest and partnership with parents. All children must be fully potty trained before they are eligible to move onto the next program.

Preschool Programs

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Three's, Junior PreK, PreK, & TK
3 - 5 years old

Wave Preschool classes (Three's, Junior PreK, PreK, & TK) are age and ability specific. We incorporate a quality learning experience using The Creative Curriculum and Learning without Tears as a foundation to create learning environments and whole group instruction. Children will enjoy fun learning centers, along with thematic, in-depth lesson plans. The educational centers include art, manipulatives, writing, language arts, home living, library, blocks, science, and sensorial. The educational period will be offered from 9:00 am-1:00 pm, five days a week. 
WCLC requires that children in this program must be completely potty trained with minimal accidents and in underwear every day.

School Age


Kindergarten - 5th Grade

During the school year, Before and After School services are offered to families needing care. This program is for children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Along with excellent care, our program also provides homework time and various activities encompassing group time. We accept students that attend Trantwood, John B Dey, Linkhorn Park, and Alanton elementary schools. While school is out, Summer Rec is a full day program offered to rising Kindergarteners through rising 5th graders. This program provides flexible scheduling; your child may join all summer long or choose various weeks to attend.

Programs: Programs
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